The introduction of a Connected Worker Platform from the IT perspective

Digitalization has greatly changed the business world in recent years, emphasizing the need for a modern, networked IT landscape. Companies are looking for efficient solutions to optimize their workflows and better support their employees.

In this context, the introduction of Connected Worker platforms in a Software as a Service (SaaS) approach, is becoming increasingly important.

Connected Worker Platform in use
7 minutes reading time

What it is about

This expert article by Benjamin Brockmann, CEO and Co-Founder of Operations1, explores the benefits of such a platform from an IT perspective and why Operations1 is particularly easy and beneficial to implement.

Classification: What is a Connected Worker Platform?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what role a Connected Worker Platform plays in shopfloor IT. A Connected Worker Platform represents the central interface for the operational workforce to plan, execute and evaluate activities in areas such as assembly, quality inspection, commissioning or maintenance. In industry, we currently encounter mainly isolated solutions for individual departments such as a CMMS, complex input screens from monolithic systems such as ERP, and lots of paper.

The Connected Worker Platform simplifies the execution, documentation and data collection in all these operational processes through an intuitive interface based on digital work instructions and checklists, thus increasing process reliability, productivity and transparency. In addition, employee satisfaction increases through an intuitive and modern work environment and the elimination of a number of non-value-added activities.

Digital planning of all operational activities on an intuitive platform

What is the role of the Connected Worker Platform in shopfloor IT?

From an IT perspective, the Connected Worker Platform is the operational layer between the leading systems and the individual operational teams. It is a no code platform in the cloud SaaS approach with Operations1. It is hosted on Microsoft Azure and is connectable to other systems through various connectivity options such as the REST API, a CLI tool or webhooks. However, Operations1 can also be deployed and used in the standalone variant.

Connected Work Platform - Integration into the IT Landscape

The 5 benefits of a Connected Worker Platform from an IT perspective

However, this article will not focus on the operational benefits of the platform, but on the IT perspective. For IT, there are a number of advantages to introducing a Connected Worker Platform in a cloud SaaS approach.

Advantage 1: Less effort for hosting and maintenance

Since Operations1 is offered as a SaaS solution, the responsibility for hosting and maintaining the platform lies with the provider. The IT department of the user company does not have to worry about operating and updating the platform, but can concentrate on other business-relevant tasks.

Advantage 2: Higher security through MS Azure security standards vs. Ransomware & Co.

The security of the IT infrastructure is of critical importance. By using Operations1 as a SaaS platform, the IT department benefits from the high security standards of Microsoft Azure. This provides protection against threats such as ransomware and other security risks.

Advantage 3: No effort for update deployment

Updates and upgrades to the software are performed by the SaaS platform provider. The IT department does not have to worry about deploying updates and can thus save time and resources.

Advantage 4: Minimal support effort

Support for the platform is usually provided by the provider. In case of problems or questions, a dedicated support team is available. The IT department can thus concentrate on other important tasks without having to spend a lot of time and resources on support.

Advantage 5: More capacity to focus on business supporting IT

By outsourcing platform management to the provider, the IT department can concentrate its resources more on business-supporting IT issues. This involves networking standard applications, data management, data analysis, technology scouting for suitable technologies, and business enablement and partnering. IT can thus position itself as a modern corporate division and make a greater contribution to business development.

Even though the cloud SaaS approach already brings some advantages, it is still crucial for user companies to find the right partner with whom they can successfully implement the software.

The technological foundation of the software was a key decision criterion for Operations1.

Markus Hölzl Global CIO, Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Why is the introduction of Operations1 now particularly easy for IT?

There are a number of reasons for this, of which we would also be happy to convince you in a personal meeting. The central aspects are as follows:

  1. Highly competent, industry-experienced team for smooth and successful implementation The Operations1 team has extensive experience in the industry and provides comprehensive support for the implementation of the platform. This ensures that the rollout process runs smoothly and that the platform is successfully integrated into the existing IT landscape.

  2. Broad platform for (perspective) simplification of the IT landscape Operations1 provides a broad platform that can be deployed across multiple departments. This allows different work areas and departments within the company to benefit from the advantages of the Connected Worker platform. The IT department has the opportunity to simplify the IT landscape in perspective and create synergies between departments.

  3. Success experience with convinced users instead of eternal trainings and nevertheless low adaptation by workers The introduction of Operations1 enables a sense of achievement for users. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and requires little training. This increases employee acceptance and achieves a high usage rate without the need for extensive training. This relieves the IT department of lengthy training activities.

  4. Technological state-of-the-art solution Operations1 is a technologically advanced platform that integrates the latest trends and developments. The IT department can benefit from a future-proof solution that keeps pace with the latest technological requirements, thereby driving the company's IT landscape forward.

  5. Active further development and integration of the latest relevant trends into the platform We are constantly developing our platform based on technological trends and the feedback and aggregation of our customers' experience in using the software. The IT department can be sure that they are using a solution that is state of the art and continuously developed.

  6. Proven integration experts with many successful integration projects and very satisfied partners at our customers both in the business and IT area The Operations1 platform has integration experts who have extensive experience in successfully integrating the platform into various IT environments. This ensures that the introduction of Operations1 runs smoothly and that the platform is integrated seamlessly into the existing IT landscape. Satisfied customers and successful integration projects confirm the provider's expertise in both the business and IT areas.


Adopting a Connected Worker Platform like Operations1 in a SaaS approach offers numerous benefits to the IT department. The low implementation effort, reduced hosting overhead, increased security, minimal support overhead and the ability to focus on business-supporting IT issues allow IT to work more efficiently and contribute more to business development.

Operations1 adoption is further facilitated by its expert implementation team, comprehensive platform, user experience of success, state-of-the-art technology solution, continuous development and integration expertise. Operations1 thus offers a simple and beneficial solution - also for the user company's IT.

Would you like to get to know Operations1 or do you have specific questions?

Simply fill out the contact form with your thoughts and goals. We will get back to you immediately.

Benjamin Brockmann


Benjamin Brockmann (M. Sc., Management & Technology) founded cioplenu GmbH in 2017 together with Daniel Grobe (also M. Sc., Management & Technology). The founders developed the software solution based on various practical projects, including at the Fraunhofer Institute, and on their experience in industry, auditing and management consulting. Benjamin Brockmann has already worked for companies such as KPMG and Arthur D. Little.

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