• 180 thousand € savings per year
  • -95% Effort for documentation
  • -100% Effort for filing and archiving

I tried a lot and asked other companies. I can’t be the only one with this problem, was my thought.

Cyril Maurer Head of Testbench and Production, Soudronic

Status quo

Before working with Operations1, the time spent compiling, maintaining and storing test documentation amounted to 1,600 hours per year.

When Cyril Maurer took over the Testbench department in 2016, he quickly began looking for a solution to digitize and seamlessly map the test documentation of a machine throughout the entire production process.

Learn how Soudronic saves over 180.000€ annually with Operations1


After production planning compiled an entire file folder of inspection documents per machine, this traveled with the machine through the various production departments and was filed and archived after the test was completed.

With around 100 machines and components per year that have to meet the highest requirements for safety and reliability, this means a lot of documentation. In addition, the test documentation harbored risks for process reliability.

Soudronic Status Quo before implementing Operations1

Implementation of Operations1

The software has been in use at Soudronic since the beginning of 2020 and is used internationally and in multiple languages. In order to optimize the inspection process, which was characterized by paper printouts and system breaks, the integration with ERP and DMS followed promptly after the initial introduction.

These integrations enabled orders from the ERP to be automatically linked to the detailed inspection processes in Operations1, and quality records created in Operations1 can be automatically stored in the DMS.

Operations1 usage by Soudronic employee


By reducing documentation efforts, Soudronic saves over 180.000€ annually in just one area: The compilation of documentation now runs digitally and efficiently per order – the effort required for this dropped by 95%. 

Automatic report generation and seamless data transfer to the DMS completely eliminated filing and archiving efforts. Thanks to one point of truth, customization efforts were also reduced to a minimum.

Cyril Maurer and colleague performing inspection

Digitize your documentation processes with Operations1

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Would you like to know how the digitalization of your documentation processes can be implemented with Operations1?

Arrange a non-binding appointment with our team. Our experts will be happy to advise you based on your individual use case!

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