Report Link Sharing - Share real-time reports easily and securely with external parties

Report information shared in real-time without effort
Avoid unnecessary effort in the daily handling of reports and take advantage of the benefits of digitized reporting.
Share real-time information about current or completed orders in a simple and secure way so that everyone in your value chain benefits from this information.

The tedious sharing of reports
Paper-based documentation processes have a lot of disadvantages when it comes to reporting and verification. In particular, sharing reports that are not fully digitized entails avoidable efforts:
Reports are only available on paper in order folders and must first be scanned as a PDF file
Current order and status information can only be viewed in paper form at the place of work
Difficult to share PDF reports with external parties due to PDF file sizes

Share reports from Operations1 with just a few clicks
Simple Link Management
You have full control: a new link can be created, shared or removed with just a few clicks.
Secure Sharing
Data security through links with a random character combination (token).
Complete Overview
Clear list of all created links in the report overview.
Quickly created and securely shared
The Report Link Sharing feature allows you to manage report links in Operations1.
Easy sharing of multilingual reports with external persons without an Operations1 account
Real-time insights for link recipients
Images and videos in full resolution
Data security through links with random character combinations
Future-oriented alternative to PDF files

For a wide range of people
With Report Link Sharing, you can easily share a variety of digital reports with customers, suppliers, auditors, partners or colleagues via email, chat, etc.
Documentation for customers
Quality control reports
Maintenance logs
Instruction logs
Service reports

Reduce effort and save valuable time
Contact us now and take the first step with us towards digitizing your documentation and verification management.