What is an external audit?
An external audit is an independent examination or review of processes, procedures, financial data or other aspects of an organisation conducted by an external party. This external party may be a professional audit firm, an accounting firm or an independent audit organisation that has no direct connection to the organisation being audited. External audits are used to verify the accuracy, correctness, legality and reliability of information, systems or processes in an organisation. The external party performs an objective assessment and evaluates compliance with standards, regulations, policies or procedures.
How is an external audit conducted?
Planning The auditor discusses with the organisation to be audited the scope of the audit, the areas to be audited and the desired results. An audit plan is drawn up that specifies the individual steps and the time frame for the audit.
Data collection The auditor collects relevant information, documents and data from the organisation to be audited. This may include reviewing financial records, business processes, internal control systems and other relevant information.
Audit procedures The auditor performs various audit procedures to verify the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information. This may include interviews with staff, on-site inspections, conducting tests and analysis.
Evaluation The auditor evaluates the information gathered and compares it with applicable standards, guidelines or legal requirements. Possible deviations or irregularities are identified and documented.
Reporting The auditor prepares an audit report summarising the results of the audit. This report usually contains a description of the audit procedures performed, the deviations or irregularities identified and recommendations for improving processes or compliance with standards.
Follow-up action Based on the results of the audit, the audited organisation may take action to address the identified deficiencies or implement improvements. The auditor may also conduct a follow-up audit to verify that the recommended actions have been implemented.
It is important to note that external audits can be conducted in a variety of areas, including financial audits, ISO certification audits, IT security audits and environmental audits. The exact process may vary depending on the type of audit and the standards and regulations involved.
What is the difference between internal and external audits?
Internal audits are conducted by internal staff to monitor and improve internal processes, while external audits are conducted by independent external parties to verify compliance with standards and regulations and to build trust with external stakeholders. Both types of audits play an important role in ensuring the efficiency, compliance and continuity of an organisation's operations.
What are the advantages of external audits?
Objectivity External audits are conducted by independent organisations or individuals who have no personal or financial interest in the organisation being audited. This ensures an objective assessment as the auditors are unbiased and have no internal conflicts of interest.
Credibility External audits contribute to credibility and trust by providing independent confirmation of an organisation's financial information, internal controls or other audited aspects. Audit results are more reliable to stakeholders and the public and provide greater assurance about the integrity and accuracy of the information.
Compliance with standards External audits help organisations ensure that they comply with applicable standards, regulations or legal requirements. This is particularly important in areas such as financial reporting, data protection, environmental management or quality assurance. External audits can identify and correct potential violations or non-compliance.
Identification of risks External audits uncover potential risks, weaknesses or deficiencies in an organisation's processes, systems or controls. This enables the organisation to identify these risks early and take appropriate action to mitigate risks or improve processes.
Improving efficiency External audits review an organisation's existing processes and systems. This can help identify inefficiencies or unnecessary costs and highlight opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Promoting transparency External audits play an important role in monitoring an organisation's compliance with ethical standards and policies. They help prevent misconduct, fraud or unethical behaviour and promote a culture of transparency and accountability.
You want to carry out your audits simply & efficiently?
The key to digital & secure audits
With the Connected Worker Platform from Operations1, you can plan your audits digitally, carry them out on the move and evaluate them easily. Swap your clipboard for a tablet and benefit from the ease and flexibility of Operations1. Learn more about Operations1's audit features here.