• -30 minutes per customer documentation
  • +10%P delivery quality
  • -30 minutes per week for research

The technological foundation of the software was a key decision criterion for Operations1.

Markus Hölzl Global CIO, Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Status quo

Before the cooperation with Operations1, the production process of Zünd Systemtechnik AG was characterised by a complex provision of information and several media breaks.

In order to cope with the diversity of variants and the increasing complexity of the plants in the long term, Zünd Systemtechnik AG decided to work with Operations1.

Learn how Zünd improved their process reliability with Operations1


By working with Operations1, Zünd Systemtechnik AG wanted to increase quality in production while reducing the error rate. Digital instructions were to be used to train new employees more efficiently so that they could work productively more quickly.

The digitization of documentation was intended to simplify documentation processes overall and increase efficiency.

Reasons for choosing Operations1

After comparing the providers, Zünd Systemtechnik AG opted for Operations1. They were impressed by the user-friendliness, the technological underpinnings of the platform and the comprehensive range of functions.


Through the cooperation with Operations1 and the higher process reliability, the quality in production could be increased. The platform makes it easier for new employees to get started in production.

The digitalization of documentation has also increased traceability. This saves working time in traceability.

Digitize your production processes with Operations1

Let’s start a conversation

Would you like to know how the digitalization of your commissioning processes can be implemented with Operations1?

Arrange a non-binding appointment with our team. Our experts will be happy to advise you based on your individual use case!

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